
Why the Economic Fates of America's Cities Diverged

Why the Economic Fates of America's Cities Diverged

November 28, 2015

The Atlantic | Highlights research by Daniel Shoag (Ph.D. '11, now Harvard Kennedy School faculty) and Peter Ganong (Harvard Ph.D. candidate in Economics) on the importance of regional income convergence in reducing U.S. wage inequality between 1940-1980 and explanations for declining convergence in recent decades.

Event video: Coping with Extreme Poverty on $2.00 a Day

Event video: Coping with Extreme Poverty on $2.00 a Day

November 27, 2015

Malcolm Wiener Center for Social Policy | $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America, the focus of the Malcolm Wiener Center book event with authors Kathryn Edin (Johns Hopkins University) and H. Luke Shaefer (University of Michigan), has been selected as one of 100 Notable Books of 2015 by The New York Times Book Review.

Edin and Shaefer were joined for a discussion with David T. Ellwood and William Julius Wilson, November 10, 2015, at the Harvard Kennedy School. 
View the event video ▶

The Import of Exports

November 26, 2015

CAMBRIDGE – Should a country’s development strategy pay special attention to exports? After all, exports have nothing to do with satisfying their people’s basic needs, such as education, health care, housing, power, water, telecoms, security, the rule of law, and recreation. So why give precedence to satisfying the needs of distant foreign consumers?


Read more about The Import of Exports

Looking To Prevent Assault, UC May Change Finance Rules

November 24, 2015

Looking to bolster standards of sexual conduct at the College, the Undergraduate Council discussed a change to its Finance Committee’s rules for funding student groups—a policy which representatives hope will help to prevent sexual assault.

At Rally, Students Call for Sexual Assault Policy Change

November 24, 2015

Bearing signs with the slogans reading, “we all deserve to be safe” and “our voices are strong and we will be heard,” undergraduates recounted experiences of sexual violence at Harvard.