
Pundits and presidents complain about polarization. But it may be the sign of a healthy democracy.

Pundits and presidents complain about polarization. But it may be the sign of a healthy democracy.

February 25, 2016

Washington Post | By Torben Iversen (Harold Hitchings Burbank Professor of Political Economy) and David Soskice (London School of Economics). Iversen and Soskice argue in a new academic article that lack of polarization among ordinary citizens isn't necessarily a good thing. Indeed it might be a sign of serious democratic failure.... Read more about Pundits and presidents complain about polarization. But it may be the sign of a healthy democracy.

En bienes exportados, Barranquilla es el de más complejidad económica

February 25, 2016

Colombia Atlas in La Republica

Bogotá - En agosto de 2014, se anunció la creación del Atlas de la Complejidad Económica, liderado por el profesor Ricardo Hausmann de la Universidad de Harvard, para identificar las potencialidades de cada región. El presidente de Bancóldex, Luis Fernando Castro, habló con LR sobre los primeros hallazgos que está entregando esta herramienta, que se publicaría por completo dentro de un mes.


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En bienes exportados, Barranquilla es el de más complejidad económica

February 25, 2016

La Republica

Bogotá - En agosto de 2014, se anunció la creación del Atlas de la Complejidad Económica, liderado por el profesor Ricardo Hausmann de la Universidad de Harvard, para identificar las potencialidades de cada región. El presidente de Bancóldex, Luis Fernando Castro, habló con LR sobre los primeros hallazgos que está entregando esta herramienta, que se publicaría por completo dentro de un mes.

¿Para qué se construyó? 
En la migración de Bancóldex hacia un banco de desarrollo, debemos proveerle a las regiones y a...

Read more about En bienes exportados, Barranquilla es el de más complejidad económica
The Great Expectations of Matthew Desmond

The Great Expectations of Matthew Desmond

February 24, 2016

The Chronicle Review—Chronicle of Higher Education | Matthew Desmond hopes to bring a fresh approach to the study of poverty by focusing on the trauma of eviction. "Before this work I didn’t know how bad it was," he says. "I don’t think a lot of us know the state of poverty today."

Kyle received an NIH K08 award

February 24, 2016

Graduate student Kyle Vining, DDS, has been awarded a K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award from the NIH/NIDCR for his proposal entitled “Anti-inflammatory mesenchymal stem cell therapy for dental applications." Congratulations!

The scariest thing about the gig economy is how little we actually know about it

The scariest thing about the gig economy is how little we actually know about it

February 23, 2016

Quartz | “Individual workers who really value flexibility may be much better off” in the gig economy, says Lawrence Katz, an economics professor at Harvard who is studying gig work. But it could also be eroding standards for other workers. What if much bigger employers like Walmart pivoted to the Uber work model? There are always “effects on the equilibrium of the labor market,” Katz says.